Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Off Day

Hello, everyone!

Thought I'd drop a little note to let you all know I'm still alive and kickin'!  I haven't been feeling well these past few days, my leg is just absolutely killing me and no matter what I do, it doesn't help.  The only position I can get comfy in is laying flat on my back.  So after I finish this post, which won't be long (I'm sorry...blame it on my leg!) I'm gonna go and lay with a good book and probably fall asleep.  I'm just positively exhausted, too.  At least it's cooling down here. It was a rip roarin' 50 degrees when I woke up this morning.  And the day time it's in the 70's.  Very nice.  NOW I know why I stay in Arizona!  LOL!

Yesterday we went and picked up my whole medical record from the doctor that has difficulties with faxing it over to the bariatric clinic.  My hubby, my dear sweet guy, scanned the whole thing into the computer last night.  It took him about 6-7 hours to do it, but now we have a copy for ourself.  Now I just need the clearance from the cardiac doctor (which we requested my records from that office yesterday, too, and it should take a few days) and when I have that we can go to the bariatric clinic and drop it all off.  Nothing like having to do everything yourself!!!

I'm sorry to keep changing the layout of the blog, but I didn't care for the black background and yellow print of the last layout.  I like the witches much more, don't you?  I hope so. So much easier to read.

OK, my leg is hurting me so bad I must stop.  You all have a great day and maybe tomorrow will be a better day for me.  Hope you all are OK.

God bless!
Until next post,


  1. Love the witches-so cute..just take care of yourself-thats more important than anything-love your blog but you come first! Hope everything goes well with your bariatric dr..

  2. Missy- thanks for the blog visit and follow. I can identify with you somewhat- I have rheumatoid arthritis and have chronic pain- just in a different way than fibro. Good luck to you. Following back!
    Valerie@Occasionally Crafty

  3. Missy,
    So sorry to hear how rough you are feeling. I have felt a lot the same the last few days. I went to bed Sunday at 10:30Pm to and slept until Monday at 3:30pm. Last night I didn't sleep much. Today I have been napping in between watching my grandson and doing needed things. My leg has been hurting also. I read a book about fibro that said it's very common for fibro sufferers to have pain in their left leg. That's the one!!
    I had lap band surgery 3 1/2 yrs ago. Then had back surgery 3 months later. Then hip surgery a year after that. Even with those surgeries I'm in constant pain. Weightloss has not been successful for me.
    Hope you start to feel better soon!

  4. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling up to snuff right now. Hopefully the leg pain will get better soon.

    Take care of yourself.

  5. Hi just stopping by to return the favour. I am now following. Sorry I have taken a bit of time getting back to you. Its been very hectic here. Thankyou for leaving your comment. Sarah www.jamarahcraftycreations.blogspot.com


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