Monday, November 21, 2011

Howdy, everyone!!!
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking by me through this lowest time in my life.  I don't know if it's a side effect of the bariatric surgery, my fibro going out of proportion or just the plain "seasonal blues", but I've had it in epic proportions.  Thank you, especially to my family, for being there for me.

A month back, I had a spell where I couldn't remember anything and was so tired I could barely keep my head up.  My body ached so badly I could scream and I was certainly ready for the good Lord above to escort me to the other side of the sky.  I just didn't have any zest for life anymore.  Food, books, my Kindle, you name it.  I just laid in bad with severe pain that nothing would touch.  To make a long story short, I was having a reaction to SAVELLA, the drug I took over a year now for fibromyalgia. I went to my rheumatologist and he immediately switched it to Cymbalta.  Of course, I lived off samples to start with, but my insurance finally approved of it.  So I've been taking that for nine weeks now and feel so much better.  It raises my BP a little (okay, a LOT) but taking my blood pressure meds keeps it in control.  Cymbalta is my dream drug so far.  I feel so much better and can help around the house now.  The beginning of the year, I am going out and pounding the pavement for a job.  Please pray that someone will hire an out of practice nurse who took a three year hiatus.  I pray I won't have too hard a time.

A week ago, I had a little heartbreak.  My husband and I decided to adopt a kitty named "Batman" from the humane society.  He was sooo adorable, almost looked like Jackie, even.  But we get Batman home and he and Jack do not get along.  Further more, he kept jumping the fence separating our sleeping/living area and kept wandering about the house.  The dogs got upset by it, too.  I knew in my heart what we had to do, but that didn't make it even easier.  So the next day, my husband drove Batman back to the Humane Society.   God, I felt like someone kicked me in the heart and I cried much of the day.  So if you LOVE cats, please go down to the Phoenix Humane society and adopt "Batman."  He is such a sweet, loving kitty who desperately needs a nice home.  I wish I could save them all.  So now, Jack remains KING of his domain.  What a cat!!!
Too much time has passed since Tora's demise that Jack is used to being the only kitty and he isn't giving it up!!!

My sister-in-law Barbara has kept us quite busy baby sitting her foster doggies named "Bridget" and "Bruno."  They are soooo cute and go straight to your heart.  The first pic is of Bridget.  She came from a puppy mill that the shelter bought her from.  Way to go, "Sun Valley Animal Shelter'!!!!
The next photo is of "Bruno."  This lil' guy was a stray that someone found and brought him to the shelter.  He is a POWERHOUSE!  PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!  He yips and barks and is interested in what everyone is doing.  We had him in a fenced in area in our living room where he could play and keep on eye on things.  Jingles and Tuffy would swirl around the fence over and over and drive poor Bruno to the breaking point and he would just bark and bark!  Bruno has truly stolen my heart....which says a alot as I'm more a cat person.  Here is Bruno:
Isn't he the cutest?  I've taken several videos of him.  Here is one:

My weight loss is coming along pretty good.  I've lost another 15 pounds in one month.  When I weighed at the doctor this past week, it said 244 LBS.  So I'm getting there.  I can now see why they make you go to a shrink before the surgery to make sure you can handle all the changes afterword.  And believe you me, there are so many changes I can't keep track of them!!!  At least my appetite is coming back a little.  And When I go to restaurants, I order food that I know I will be splitting up and taking the rest home in a container.  Two meals for the price of one!!  How do you like that?  I can definitely tell a difference in my stomach that something is different down there.  The food almost feels foreign in my stomach!!   At least I got over the nausea and heaving that cursed me the first 5 months of my recovery.  If you would have asked me then if I'd gotten the surgery, I'd say, "No way!  Are you nuts?"  But now, as I climb into smaller clothes, and look in the mirror, it's all worth it.  And I've got the perfect walking partner....Tuffy!  He LOVES to walk and we just go trotting down the street most days of the week.  So, NOW, I am definitely glad I got the surgery.  Those first six months after are peer HELL, but I think things are starting to change for me.  God, I hope so.
Here's a picture of me at the beginning of the month:
At least I don't cringe anymore when I look at myself.  That says ALOT!!!
Well, hate to cut this short, but my neuropathy is acting up and the top of my foot is burning.

God bless you all for a very blessed Thanksgiving.
May it be everything you wish for and much more.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

You All Win!

Howdy, dear friends!!!
Just a quickie right now to let you know I will NOT be deleting my blog.  Looking back over the pages and realizing how many truly wonderful friends and family I have that are so very supportive, how can I delete my blog in good confidence?  Impossible!!!  I have a camera full of pictures I will be working on soon, along with a nice blog about what I've been up to these past few months.  Look for that in the next week.
Love ya guys and gals!
Thank you for everything!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Shall I Go?

I know it's been forever since I last posted.  I've been going through a lot these days and I just haven't been up to using the computer.  It's so hard for me, with how my back is, to use the desk computer.  I'd absolutely LOVE a tablet computer for Santa, if you are out there, that is my request!  It would be so much easier for me to be on the bed and able to compute, than spending hours of back-breaking time at the computer in the computer chair.  But, I'm happy to have a computer.  I remember the days after my laptop died and we had NO computer.  That was rough.

Anyway, I can't stay long as my hubby has a doctor's appointment in an hour.  He sees the pain specialist today. 

I have been seriously considering to delete my blog.  It just is getting too difficult to maintain.  I would have hoped that with losing weight, it would have improved my back and neuropathy pains, but it hasn't.  I think it's almost worse.  But don't worry, I'm not going to gain weight to make it better!!!  I'm still on a zillion meds and my rheumatologist switched me to Cymbalta when the Savella was causing too many weird side effects.  The Cymbalta has been great for the fibro, but it's causing my blood pressure to shoot sky high!!  Ah, good ole' side effects!!

So, to my readers of my blog, if you want me to continue the blog, please let me know via the comments section.  I'd love your opinion!!  If you like reading my blabber, I'll continue!!  :0)


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