Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Howdy, folks....just wanted to be the first to welcome you to November already!  I just can't believe it!!  I hope you like the new blog design and the two new pages "The Schranz Ranch" and "What IS Fibromyalgia?"  Give me some feedback and let me know what you like and don't like.

Well, gotta get ready for my doctor's appointment.  I have to have my doctor write me two notes: one that I'm fit for surgery and two that she has been monitoring me for my diet and exercise for the last 6 months (which is an insurance requirement.)  So wish me luck!!!

I'll blog more later!
Have great day!
Until next post,


  1. Love the autumn look to the blog and your kitty "Jack!!"

    I hope you had good luck at the doctor today....

    Cat Chat

  2. Good luck with the appointments today!!!!

  3. Missy,
    I have some blogs posted I am not sure how to let you know the link. I hope that you like them ;0
    I will post pics of your dads trip soon ;)

  4. I love the background... very pretty.
    I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I know I'm a little late responding, but I am now following. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
    All the best,

  5. Oooo I like this design better; it's much easier to read. :) I'll check out those pages as soon as I get a chance. Prayers for you!!


I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about my blog post today. Would you kindly leave a comment for me?
Thank you so much!

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