Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trapped Inside My Skin

Hi, my dear friends!
Can you believe it is already Sunday?  This week has just gone by so quickly.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner and then Christmas.....are we ready for all that?  :0)

My hubby and I started out Sunday with him puking and me a massive case of diarrhea.  Boy, we are high excitement over here!  We know how to live it down!!  The only thing I can think of that set it off was yesterday we had Chinese buffet (I couldn't go due to my leg was just killing me so my hubby brought home mine.  Isn't he sweet?) from one of our very nice friends and it was just one of those meals that keeps on giving.  I should have known because last night I had the heartburn from Hell and had so many Tums I feel like I could take stock in their company!  The heartburn finally went away and I fell asleep and woke up with the diarrhea.  What a day already!!

I just feel "trapped" inside my skin lately.  It is VERY, VERY sensitive to any kind of touch.  And don't even think of touching my shins.  I will let out a primal scream if you do!  They are so sensitive it is painful.  They are one of my fibro trigger points and it never goes away.  I mean, it lessens in sensitivity sometimes, but it's always there.  Hope that makes sense.  I also have the same kind of trigger points on my chest.  When Jack jumps up on the bed to snuggle, he likes to walk across my chest and it's all I can do to not scream.  I hate to push him away, but sometimes when those are really flaring, I have no choice to reposition him farther down my body.  Does anyone else have that kind of "trapped inside" your skin sensation?  It's horrible!  I want out!  Now!

Okay, before I go completely nuts (shut up to those who say I'm already there!) I want to share one of my poems and a pretty picture with you.  Every now and then I like to spruce up the blog by doing that.  I am hardly a poet, so if you don't like it, let me know.  I can make corrections.  Writing has always been an "outlet" for me, especially in those rough years of high school and college.  I've written 200 poems and some rhyme and a lot don't.  I'm one of those that believe that you don't need to rhyme to have a good poem.  Words just flow from your heart and seldom rhyme.  Do you talk in rhyme?  I don't think so!!  So every one of my poems is a masterpiece of my heart.

OK, OK, before I get too sappy, I'll show you the picture first.  It's just something to look at and make you feel calm and relaxed.  Or at least it does me.  I just LOVE the ocean, so I've got zillions of pictures.  My mom would tease me and say, "I believe you have EVERY  wave captured by your camera!"  You know what?  I think she is right!!!  I would take my camera with every time we would go to San Diego for our rheumatologist appointment. We would stop by the ocean and I'd get my pictures.  After all, you CAN'T go to California and NOT see the ocean!  I think there is some law about that....ha!  LOL! The picture I have chosen for today was taken in San Diego on Pacific Beach.  It shows the lifeguard station with a large USA flag billowing in the breeze.
Isn't that pretty? I just adore Mission and Pacific Beaches.  They are so vastly different, what with Pacific Beach having the pier that is actually a motel.  "Sleep Over The Ocean" is written on the side of the pier.  I kept telling Mom and Grandma that we should check into that.  I always got the same answer......"I wish!"  Yeah, it is pretty expensive.  But a girl can dream, right?  :0)  Now for the poem.  Hope you like it!

Only Then Shall I Be Saved

Look down upon me, Lord
See me as you did when I was first born
See me as white as snow-
My gown not a wrinkle to be seen
Look down upon me with love, Lord
For only then shall I be saved.
Oh, I know my slate is not clean
I have sinned today.
But I love you, Lord
And you say you love me
You say you can forgive
And forget.
Look down upon me-
Only then shall I be saved.
I want to feel you again
And live in glory.
I miss you, Lord.
It is I who walked away,
It is I who gave in to hardships,
It is I who have sinned.
It is You who stand before me with open arms;
Arms that are ready to receive me.
Please don't look away,
Like I have done,
But look upon me with love and forgiveness;
Only then shall I be saved.

Hope you enjoyed the new "feature" to my blog.  Every Sunday I'll do this: have a pretty picture and poem for you to enjoy.  I've been getting lots of positive feedback about my pictures.  Thank you, friends, for being so supportive!!  You have a lovely Sunday and relax....for tomorrow is Monday!

God bless you all!
Until next post,


  1. love your blog today :) keep up the great work :) ty so very much for the award :) Im trying to figure how to post it to somebody else

    Thanks again

  2. That was such a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it with us ... hope you feel better.. HHL

  3. What a beautiful poem, Missy! It is just lovely! I for one would be thrilled to see you post more of your poems/poetry each week.

    Thank you so very much for the award! I'm truly honored to receive it! I did get your email but we had houseguests this weekend and my blog sort of took a "need to do, only" spot in my schedule, so I didn't see it until last night.

    I hope you are feeling better today. I do understand living with pain and how hard it can be to stay positive. You do a wonderful job at that and I really admire you for it.

    I'm checking out the details of the award and I'll be posting about it today! Again, thank you so much for honoring me with it. It really means a great deal to me!


  4. Missy, thanks for visiting my blog!

    My mom has fibromyalgia, too...since 1975...BEFORE there was a name for it! Doctors tried to make her think it was in her head. She's a tough cookie and relies solely on the Lord. I'll keep you in my prayers that God gives you strength through this difficult journey you're on.

    Lovely poem...and feel better! I generally avoid Chinese buffets! :)


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