Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Land Ho, Matey!

Here is my photo for "Wordless Wednesday."  It is a picture of my grandma looking through the telescope in one of our glitzy hotels in La Jolla.  They have a telescope in EACH room!  How cool is that?  Ha!

I hope each and every one of you have a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday.  Eat lots of good food!!  And take lots of pictures so we can show them off on Friday.  :0)
Big hugs,


  1. Grandmas are such a treasure, aren't they? Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Missy hun this pic is PRICELESS!!! Your dad & I both with we had our grandparents to share this kind of memories with. We are making new memories each and every day, in fact we are both so overwhelmed with emotions *in a good way*

    We hope that you ALL have a very Happy Thanksgiving 8)

    Hugs & Love
    Dad `n` Gina

  3. Missy
    This is gina thank you so much for the kind words on my post today :) I appreciate you! You can snag any of my pics that I post here ;) or facebook.

    we both got the pics of Shelly ty very much for sharing.

    Dad & Gina


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