Friday, November 26, 2010

This Thanksgiving

Ah, doesn't it feel good to have Thanksgiving over and done with?  I mean, I love it as a holiday but there is just so much involved to do with it.  Shop the for the meal, take it home, unpack it, cook it and put it on the plate for everyone to devour it in under 4 minutes flat.  All your hard work down the gullet in less of that a heartbeat!!

We had a good Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law were here and we had a delicious meal of ham, sweet potato casserole, green beans, cranberry sauce, sweet pickles and so much more than my tired mind can remember at the moment.  We will be having Christmas at my sis-in-law's place when my grandma will be here, too.  She can see Barbara's new kitchen that is so fancy.  And that it is!  She has so much more counter space than ever before.  I had to end the meal a little early because my neuropathy and ridulopathy were getting the best of me.  I'm on 10 mg. of Predisone right now and I plan and staying on that until a week before my surgery.  I am so miserable and I can barely move!  But I'm doing this to ultimately feel better again in the long run.  If I keep telling myself, I will get through this.  I'm a fighter(I think!)  Mornings are the worst for me on all accounts.  I just get up for a brief moment, take my morphine, and go back and snuggle under my covers with Jack.  I'd say it's been really cold here, but nobody would sympathize with me!  Here's some pics I took of yesterday's festivities:
            Here's my brother-in-law, Jay, all stretched out after a long, hard week.
 This is my mother-in-law, Carol getting a head start on the festivities.  Too bad Jay and Barbara couldn't enjoy it, too, but they are on that Adkin's Diet and can't have certain types of food or drink.
Here is my sweet hubby.  He's been having problems with his stomach again. The vomiting has returned and we don't know why.  Luckily he has a doctor's appointment coming up not too far away.  Hopefully he has some insight as to why this is happening again.  I'm at my wits end!!!
This is my sister-in-law, Barbara.  She is one of the BEST sisters a girl could ever have.  I'd always wanted one while growing up, but I'm just fortunate she is in my life now.  She is very easy to talk to (and Jay, too!) and supports me like part of the family.  It also doesn't hurt that she makes the absolute BEST creme brulee!!!
 Our Thanksgiving ham.  We are saving the turkey for when my grandma comes and we will have it in Barb and Jay's new kitchen.
Ah, time to dig in!!!  The long waited for meal is finally complete and the only thing heard at the table is the clacking of silverware and "please pass the pickles; please pass the ham) and everything is good again in the world!!!

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my eyes open after dinner and kept falling asleep.  So did Frankie.  So I went and laid down for awhile and called it a night.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  I will be doing a product review soon, I just have to verify some facts with the manufacturer.  It also involves a real giveaway!!  So be on the look out for that.  I'm so excited!!
God bless you all!
Until next post,


  1. sounds like you had a lovely day. We did too. I am trying to get ready for the holidays. Lily will be here to help decorate. that should be interesting as she is very creative.

  2. hi missy, it sure sounds like you all had a very nice thanksgiving together. we also had a nice dinner at the apts. on thanksgiving. i remember when i was there with you 2 or 3 yrs was very nice. i hope you
    get better soon, and gina and i are keeping you in our
    lots of love...(((missy)))
    gina and i :)

  3. Missy, I am Gina cousin. I just wanted to stop in and say HI. I am enjoying your blog. I don't have one of my own so I stop in and read yours and Gina's every few days to catch up. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving.

  4. Your blog is adorable! Thank you so much for posting my hop and commenting on my blog.

    Happy Holiday!
    T♥ aka

  5. Hi Missy . . . that is an awesome post on your Thanksgiving festivities!

    I'm a new follower from the blog hops . . . visit my blogs when you get a chance :-)

    Hope you are having an awesome weekend . . . Gina

  6. I absolutely adore your blog it is totally brilliant. I'm envious of the layout and just, well, everything.I am now your latest admirer and follower. Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving - it looked a lot of fun.
    Carol from

  7. ps My Hubby has problems with his stomach too....we have narrowed it down to stress, age and IBS. I hope your husband's is not too serious.

  8. Okay I have looked all over for your e-mail address, and I can't find it. So I'm forced to leave this here - I sure hope you get this message. CONGRATS! You've been chosen to Dance in our Spotlight Dance over at Monday's Music Moves Me. This means you have won second place in our linky. You will be co-hosting along with us. If you have any questions please free to contact me or one of our other hosts. CONGRATS AGAIN! I cannot leave your linky here, so you'll have to come to my blog to get it! See ya then!


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