Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Hi, folks!  I'm trying something new (for my blog) called "Wordless Wednesdays."  It's where you post a picture that "speaks for itself, no words needed!"  Sounds like fun AND it's a Blog Hop, too.  So post a picture, enter your site in the linky (down below the picture) and meet some great new friends!!!  Happy Wednesday!!

God Bless!!


  1. Thanks for the love on my blog! So sweet. I love how positive you are even when life is throwing you a bunch of curve balls... you my friend are an inspiration!!! Look forward to getting to know ya better ;)

  2. Oh my gosh, what a great picture!

    See my Wordless Wednesday post here.

  3. thanks for your sweet visit ... That picture is too cute... I love your positive attitude!! I know first hand what its like to be thrown a few detours along this journey of life and you my friend are most inspiring... I 'm your newest follower .. loking forward to gettingto know you better... HHL

  4. Missy, I love that picture..made me laugh out loud. The cats are so cute and sooooo much bigger than my little peanuts! I so enjoy visiting your blog and hope everything is going well on your end of the cyber world!


  5. Missy, Because you are an inspiration to many people, I have picked you for a "Stylish Blogger Award". You can visit my site to learn about the award and how to Pay it Forward.


  6. Missy,
    This is a great idea :) jack sure looks like he is king of the castle...sitting inside his tora looks quite content on top of his turf <smiling how i remember those kitty days..brings back the memories. a picture sure is worth a thousand words.
    hugsssss missy, we love ya
    dad n gina:)

  7. Thanks for stopping by, and following my blog.
    I see you are a cat Lover also...Great picture, and Beautiful cats!

    I'm your newest follower!

    Hugs, Linda

  8. So cute...and funny too. Thanks for stopping by and I am your new follower now.

    Be blessed.


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