Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

This is the last photo I ever took of my mom.  We were in San Antonio as I was going to a new nursing job and a few days after this picture was taken, she died of acute kidney failure.  I love and miss her more than any word could ever say.

Good bye, Mom.  I will always remember you.


  1. Hon this picture is beautiful. your mom is watching over you every day while you are on Earth.

    Hugs n Blessings

    PS still no word from your dad

  2. I love the picture of your Mom! I so understand and know how you feel. How can a person be fine one minute and then gone the next? I will never understand that. I miss my mom so much too. I often wonder how I can do this. Some days I just don't think I can. How do you do it? how do you want to after losing someone so close to you?


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