Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2 Months Post-Op

Good day, friends!

Well, it's been almost two months since my bariatric surgery and some of you have asked for pictures.  I have lost over 60 pounds since surgery, a lot of it water,  I'm quite sure!  But nonetheless, I'm fitting into some clothes that I had in my "I Have A Dream Collection."  So here is the before surgery picture and the second & third pictures are my almost two month post op picture.  The fourth picture I threw in of my baby, Jackie with his little "yarn hat."  I swear, that cat would probably let me dress him!  He didn't care in the least that he had yarn strung on his ears!!  Here they are:
Here I am now.  Still a ways to go....but the long journey always starts with the first step!
Here's my side view.
Gotta love a kitty with yarn on his ears!  :0)

 Well, that's all for now.  I'm gonna go get my feet up and rest for awhile.  I have a rheumatologist appointment at 2pm as my knees are killing me.  I was taking Levaquin for awhile and with its risk of tendon damage, I'm worried that is what is happening with my knees.  They changed my antibiotic and they are slowly improving.

Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Looking good, Missy!

  2. WOW- you look great - keep up the awesome job!!!<3

  3. you have done very well babe im going for my first appointment to see the people who do it all i know it is going to take at least a year before my opperation with what they want me to do but i have another friend on here who is having the op in a week's time so you have done fantastic babe brillo xxxx

  4. Wow. Well done, it's amazing how quickly your shape changes.

  5. Hey but you're looking a lot better already! Huzzah and congrats! You can do this thing!

    I just started a blog to focus on losing weight and getting healthy.  I need to not be so fat anymore. Blech.  You can check it out if you like though.  It's Health NOT to Health NUT With a little support we can all do it! :)

    Also,  your kitty is extremely cute.

  6. I am so glad you are doing well with the weight loss!  That is just wonderful.  I hope your knees won't be so bad tomorrow for you and that the appointment goes well!

  7. You are looking great, I am very proud of you... Barbara

  8. Looking good girl!!!!!!

  9. Missy
    I love the new YOU!!! you look great!!!! keep up the great work.  
    We haven't forgotten your birthday!! at all in fact I reminded him it was coming up.

    Hugs n love 


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  11. How exciting! Your pictures look great and I am so happy for you :)


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