Monday, July 25, 2011

Accident Update

Howdy, friends & family!
Yep, I'm still alive and kicking...well, maybe not kicking yet.  My whole right side is one solid black and blue mark and I've got a knot on my chest wall that hurts if I even LOOK at it.  I just can't believe all this has happened.  We saved so hard and long for that car, our baby, and now in just a moment it is totaled to smithereens.   I'm glad to be alive, of course, and I think God everyday for watching over me.  But I'm still quite depressed over the whole deal.  I still haven't heard from the claim adjuster about the car yet, but hopefully they will call soon and we can get a rental car soon to tie us over for a little bit until our next car.

My husband is still in the hospital, but his lungs are improving.  Unfortunately, they found a lump in his groin, so he will have to have an ultrasound of the area.  Hopefully it is nothing.  We need some good news for a change!!!  So please help me pray for him.  He was in the hospital LAST year in July, too!!  July is turning into to a sucky month!!!

We had a doozy of a storm last night, so my father-in-law will have the internet connection off until they return from their trip in four days.  So don't worry if you don't hear from me.  As soon as it's back on, I'll keep you informed of our happenings.

Hope you all have a great day!!!!
God bless you all~~

PS.....I've got almost the whole Janet Evanovich collection in HARDCOVER (I'm missing the sixteenth book) in which I wish to sell as I got them all on my Kindle.  They are in excellent condition.  I've even got the brand new one, "Smoking Seventeen."  Buy one or buy them all!  I'm a price and they are yours.  A price ABOVE $5.00, though, please.  You can write in the comments that you are interested and I'll get back to you.


  1. Thank you, Shawn.  I don't know what happened.  I just "blacked" out.  It was very scary!  Thanks for your thoughts & prayers.  :0)

  2. Missy
    we are so glad that you are alive.  Things can be replaced you can not!!  Your dad and I are praying for your recovery and Frankies as well

    Rainbow n dad

  3. Missy, I am so sorry. Did you fall asleep at the wheel? I have had one bad accident, my fault, and it has hated me for years. No one hurt but my car was a mess!

    Take care and I am praying for Frankie!


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