Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today WAS The Day!

Well, today my hubby is a very happy man. He is, at this moment in time, absolutely & completely DRAIN FREE!!!  The surgeon came in, looked at the output in the bulb (which wasn't much indeed!) and said, "are you ready to have the drain out?"  Duh!  Do bears crap in the woods?  Of course he wants that drain out! He wanted it out the day they put it in.  So now all he has on his belly is some antibiotic ointment and some gauze with tape.  The surgeon showed me the little hole he has left (where the drain was) and told me that tomorrow, he can change the gauze and just wear a band-aid until healed.  He wished us well and pretty much signed off the case.  Whew!  We finally completed THAT chapter in our life!!  Frankie called to make an appointment with his allergy specialist to resume his weekly shots.  We thought it best to get a professional opinion before starting the shots.  They are hard on the body as they are giving you stuff you are allergic to and he just is getting back on his feet.  I'd hate for a relapse!! So he sees the allergist this Thursday.

Boy, we are almost "normal" again!!  :0)  Hopefully nothing else will happen and we will go years and years without this thing bearing its ugly head.  Frankie will start back on the Gleevec at half strength starting tonight with dinner and then after a week, start full dosage again.

Be sure to check out the awards page. I've added two more terrific blogs onto it.  Be sure to stop by and visit them....tell 'em Missy sent ya!  :0)  And if you have your own blog, please let me know in the comment section of this post.  And please vote in the poetry poll....I need lots more votes to keep the poems coming, if you want that.

My feet have swollen so much, I couldn't wear that boot out to the second appointment today.  The velcro straps wouldn't stay on, my toes kept sticking out and I couldn't ever get the heel back far enough.  So now my arch is killing me on top of everything else.  So I'm gonna go put them up and take a nap, I think.

I hope this post finds you happy and well and as pain free as possible.
Until next post,


  1. Well if that don't make angels sing!! Good for him and I know how much it truly stinks to have tubes coming places you didn't think possible. I'm sure your both equally estatic about this. I hope your foot heals soon. Psst... I don't mind sending up a prayer for you for a quick recovery or healing. Hugs.

    now, my critters want to thank you for the award you gave to us. It is right at home on our little blog. Hugs.

  2. Heehee, loved that "Duh! Do bears crap in the woods?" LOL!!! :)

    Yayyy for a smidgen of normalcy. :) Ahhh sweet relief right? Oh it's the little things sometimes that we need to remind us that we can go on and still lead a little bit of a normal life.

    Thanks Missy, you rock!! :)

  3. Thank you so much, Tammy & Rochelle! Your words are very sweet and I appreciate them. I put my heart and soul into this blog, both designing and writing it, so I love it when people comment. Tammy-I'm glad you liked the award. I looks excellent and right at home on your site. Rochelle - your award is coming!!!
    Have a great day, ladies!!

  4. PLEASE NOTE: Major crash on old blog. You will need to update your following and any links associated to my blog: New address is:

    Thank you and DON'T forget the GIVEAWAY.



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