Monday, September 27, 2010


Howdy! Just a real quick update about my bariatric appointment.  After calling my doctor and leaving a message about needing a referral to the bariatric doctor, a letter of medical necessity for the surgery and my medical records faxed over to his office, I called the bariatric center and scheduled an appointment to see the surgeon October 14th.  It seems like a million years away, but time will go fast.  I always does!!  I mean, who would believe that in three short days it's October already!

I am soooo excited about this and want everything to go perfect, since the last time the appointment was a huge let down.  I'm so cautious every time I go to an appointment now.  I'm taking my support "team" with me - my husband and mother- in- law.  So far everything looks good and they do take my unsurance, so I think everything will work out okay.  :0)

Al right, I'll write another post again in a few days. Hope you all have sweet dreams and wake up feeling refreshed....then you can tell ME how you managed that!  :0)

Big hugs,


  1. Hope everything works out!
    You'll be the first to know whenever I find out how to manage that sleeping-refresh-thingy. :)

  2. Hope all goes well. I hate the waiting and wondering.

    I am a new follower on this blog and facebook. I also have a health blog. My Journey With Candida. You might find some of my postings beneficial to you. , I would appreciate it if you could stop over and follow me back if you like my blog.

    On October 5, one of my followers will win a Halloween Apron. Thanks Terry

  3. Hi there... thanks for stopping and commenting on my blog! It's very nice to meet you.

    I hope that all goes well for you with the doctor... my mom's birthday is October 5th...

    I've been having a pretty good week... haven't needed so many pain pills this week as last week....


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