Monday, January 10, 2011

Another Monday Rolls Around

Howdy, ho!  I can't believe it's Monday again.  These weeks have just been flying by!!  Hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year.  Believe it or not, but I am having a good start.  My feet are not near as swollen anymore, unless I leave them dangling down for all I sometimes do while on the computer.  Yeah, I know!  I shouldn't do that.....but the computer is so addicting and one thing always adds to another!!  I have been better, though, at using the computer in spurts.  And I got a lovely foot massager that I use while I'm computing.  It feels soooooo good.  And it helps to move the circulation around and hopefully gets the water flowing back UP to my heart instead of laying stagnant around my ankles.  Here's a lil' picture of what my new massager looks like:
As you can see, I still do have some swelling left.  In the morning when I wake up, I have virtually NO swelling because I keep them propped up with the wedger pillow.  For some reason, today has been a bad day for swelling.  Yesterday I wore my size 9 1/2 shoes again (yay!) but I think it was just a fluke.  Today it will be back to the size 11 shoes again.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do about the disability hearing.  Should I go, even though I think the lawyer is going about it all wrong, she won't listen to me and to beat all that...she HUNG UP ON ME!!  She wants to call ME nuts....hah!  I think she has me beat in that department!!

I haven't heard anymore about the surgery, either.  I will give the doctor a week more to write out that statement she is supposed to do then call her next week and start bugging her.  I will start bugging the bariatric clinic, too, and see what they want all the cotton-pickin' tests!!  I just want things done and over with.  This waiting is torture.

Well, gotta go and see my hubby's oncologist.  Then tomorrow I see the pulmonogist.  Gee, we lead such fascinating lives, don't we?

Have a great day!!
God bless ya all!!



  1. Missy hun your blog is wonderful today as always. We will call you tonight on
    the phone and I will work you thru the webcam..and no you didn't waste your money. Yahoo works better than skype.

    We will call around 7ish your time

    Hugs n Love

  2. hi missy, congratulations! i see your ankles have improved drastically. that is wonderful. your blog is great, and i think your lawyer has overstayed her welcome already. in another words miss: FIRE HER! <laughing seriously, i think you should
    find another attorney...your lawyer seems she doesn't care. i would really consider another lawyer. keep up the great work miss and get your cam ready, gina and i will be
    calling you tonight at 7. <smiling
    love ya lot's
    dad and gina :)

  3. I will use Yahoo like you said, and not skype. :0)

  4. totally jealous of the massager.. :)

  5. I'm glad your new year is off to a good start so far! Thanks for the comment on my blog and for following, I'm following you too now. :-)

  6. Nice massager! :)
    Gah, how frustrating!! She should not have hung up on you, that's looney!
    Thank you for your sweet post on my blog; I really appreciate the encouragement. You never know when you post something if anyone really even bother to read it much less enjoy it ya know?! I love your posts too!!


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